An extraordinary life is never by chance

Success comes only to those who train to achieve it


Luxury Real Estate never stops evolving, and Lionard with it. Our leadership in this market has been built by always exceeding expectations. Behind customer satisfaction there are professionalisms developed through studies and daily commitment that go beyond the academic offer.

From this training need, Lionard Academy was born, a continuous training program through which Lionard aims to develop the potential of professional figures who can rapidly advance in our company's career path. Exclusively reserved for Lionard staff.

A course designed to train managers that are called to manage the ongoing process of national and international expansion of our brand.

A constantly updated study plan, designed to offer wide training in 9 teaching areas, offering a continuous training channel to all collaborators and an open window on topics of interest to professionals of luxury real estate brokerage.

The Lionard Academy also integrates the Real Estate Analyst career path with the support of exclusive courses: an ever-expanding offer necessary to build the difference between any intermediary and a Lionard Advisor.

Indeed, that of Real Estate Analyst is the starting position of a meritocratic path that rewards work and dedication with the aim of training Real Estate Advisors.

Be brave, be Lionard!

The Lionard Method
Luxury Lifestyle
Aspects of Law
Business English for Real Estate
Architecture and City Planning
Communication, Sales and Public Speaking
Management and Business Management

Training areas

Training courses

Months of active training

Real Estate Training

The Lionard Method

A constantly updated module to prepare for work at Lionard: corporate history and culture distilled into everyday procedures and techniques: from the use of software to sales techniques.

Courses: 20 Duration: 15 Hours

A compendium of fundamental economic notions to understand and analyze the dynamics of the luxury real estate market, and to interact with a high-profile clientele.

Courses: 10 Duration: 8 Hours
Luxury Lifestyle

A series of lessons offering an overview of the luxury markets, analyzing with an academic approach the logics that regulate investments and the most interesting trends.

Courses: 8 Duration: 6 Hours
Aspects of Law

A training and professional development course for Real Estate operators on regulations and aspects of law that regulate the real estate sector.

Courses: 8 Duration: 6 Hours

The courses aim to fully analyze the tax profiles of the negotiations and management of luxury properties in Italy.

Courses: 9 Duration: 7 Hours
Business English for Real Estate

A series of advanced lessons dedicated to those who already have an excellent command of the English language, aimed at adopting an appropriate register for professional conversations and formal environments in the Real Estate context.

Courses: 6 Duration: 5 Hours
Architecture and City Planning

The lessons aim to consolidate basic skills in urban planning and to deepen the related national regulations to assist customers in the sale.

Courses: 8 Duration: 6 Hours
Communication, Sales and Public Speaking

These training courses deal with the principles and channels of communication (verbal, paraverbal and non-verbal), the preparation of a managerial speech, the handling of objections and public speaking techniques.

Courses: 7 Duration: 5 Hours
Management and Business Management

A training course to transmit fundamental knowledge in the field of business administration and entrepreneurial development, designed for operators in the luxury real estate market.

Courses: 8 Duration: 6 Hours
We don't seek you for what you know,
we choose you for what you want to learn.

Be brave. Be Lionard.